The AUT branch is located on the North Shore campus of the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and is made up of AUT employees and those who continue to associate to the institution. The AUT branch focusses on local public health issues and challenges unique to Auckland and across the motu.

What We Do

The AUT branch brings together likeminded public health professionals to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge and expertise.

The AUT branch explores opportunities within Auckland and nearby areas to work with their communities in addressing specific public health challenges and promote health equity.

With the support of the PHANZ National Office, the AUT branch contributes to the development of public health policies and strategies aimed at improving the health and well-being of the New Zealand population.

The AUT branch generally meet each month via Teams. As a result of changing dynamics within AUT, upcoming branch meeting dates and locations are yet to be confirmed.

To become a member of the AUT branch, you must be a PHANZ member.

If you’d like to become a PHANZ member, click HERE

Branch Officers

The AUT Branch has the following Officer roles:

Co-Chair:         Rumen Rachev

Co-Chair:         Gayle Souter-Brown

Treasurer:       Anna Erwood

Members are elected to officer roles at Branch Annual General Meetings (AGMs).

If you’re interested in becoming a Branch Officer, please contact the Branch Chairs by completing the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Key Documents


Activities and Events

  • Critical Te Tiriti Analysis Workshop

    01 June 2023

    In June 2023, the AUT branch held the ‘Critical Te Tiriti Analysis Workshop’. Led by Matua Grant Berghan and Dr Heather Came, this online training session discussed using Critical Tiriti Analysis as a tool to review Te Tiriti compliance.

    The event was also a fundraiser for the Mereana Pitman Rangatira Fund, raising funds for those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.

    The AUT branch hope to resume regular activities such as this in 2024.

Contact us.

If you want to join the AUT branch, become a branch officer, or you want more information on how to get involved, please contact us.

You can also follow AUT on X (Twitter) here or search for them using the handle @PHA_AUT