The PHANZ website, social media channels, newsletters and journal have been developed to support the public health workforce. We invite contributions from members, supporters and friends of the PHANZ.
Articles for use in our pānui/newsletters and social media channels should be 100-200 words in length. Longer articles can be published to our website blog and accompanied with a brief abstract in the newsletter and/or on social media. Newsletter articles can also feature a link to a pdf.
Please note that advertising of events, job vacancies, conferences and courses are subject to a fee. We reserve the right to waive this fee for our strategic partners. We usually include free events in our newsletter without charging a fee.
Submission Deadlines
Submissions for the website can be made at any time or 1 week prior to our pānui (3rd Friday of the month).
Please contact us at comms@pha.org.nz if you are planning to make a submission, to ensure it is relevant to our audience and the PHANZ values.
All submissions should:
Be copy ready with proper grammar, spelling, macrons, etc
Include a byline – Author’s name, email address, affiliation, city, country
Include a 50-100-word abstract teaser
Include a 2-3 sentence bio at the end for each author
Be no longer than 1000 words including tables and citations
Contain no more than five citations
Be formatted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Notepad (.txt or .rtf)
Not include photos or other images embedded in the Microsoft Word or Notepad file (see Images below)
Please do not embed photos, figures and other graphics in the text of the submission text. Each image must be attached as a separate file in the same email as your article.
Please include photo captions and, if you have them, photographer credits. Please also include the names of each person appearing in the photo whenever possible.
All images must be:
Clear, clean, professional and appropriate to the article
File format: GIF, JPG, JPEG
Maximum file size: 1MB
Quality: Low Resolution (Web quality) 200 dpi