Our Community Notices page is a hub for sharing events and updates from PHA members, communities and our partners - fostering collaboration and positive change in public health.
Together with our friends and whanau we strive to create healthier communities and promote wellbeing across Aotearoa.
If you have an event or notice that you would like to be posted on this page, please contact us at admin@pha.org.nz
Community Notices

Join Liana Poutu, to guide you through the submission process. Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa have three wānanga available:
Monday 16th, 11:30-1.30pm, Ngāmotu House Level 5, 139 Devon Street West, New Plymouth
Wednesday 18th, 7pm online Zoom (Link)
Thursday 19th, 5pm-6pm, Ngāmotu House Level 5, 139 Devon Street West, New Plymouth
For all three wānanga, please register your attendance below.
If you would like to view some additional information, a PowerPoint presentation is available here.