Community Spotlight

Join us in celebrating local initiatives, groups and kaupapa that promote hauora and well-being in Aotearoa.

Our commitment to supporting local innovation stems from a dedication to equitable and community-focused health outcomes. It revolves around recognising and bolstering the work of individuals and groups affecting real change, ensuring that their stories of progress and transformation within Aotearoa are celebrated and shared.

At PHANZ, we strive to inspire ongoing efforts to improve the nation's well-being. We celebrate the efforts within our communities, tailored to align with local needs and cultural values. Our focus is on impactful innovation, including community-driven initiatives and kaupapa Māori approaches, to meet the needs of vulnerable demographics directly. We are committed to recognising and enhancing the outstanding work being done throughout Aotearoa and promoting initiatives that aim to improve the well-being of our communities.


Heart Place Hospital, an NZ-registered charity, is shaping the future of healthcare through an integrative, heart-centered approach inspired by Dr. Rose Pere's Te Wheke model of family health. With a board of trustees that includes Dr. Pere's relatives, Rob Mokaraka and Dr. Kamaia Pere, and Dame Susan Devoy as ambassador, the organization is committed to uplifting caregivers by creating vast networks of love and compassion.

Through satellite clinics, workshops, private sessions, and innovative accommodation services, Heart Place Hospital meets the diverse needs of its visitors, supporting whole health—mind, body, and spirit. This care extends far beyond individual experiences, creating a ripple effect that contributes to a thriving society, empowering caregivers and the wider community.

The hospital’s podcast series highlights caregivers' transformative journeys from pain to purpose. By healing boundary wounds, advocating for themselves and others, and crafting lives that suit them best, these stories inspire and inform.

The hospital is led by founder and CEO Jacqui O'Connor, a Registered Nurse with 30 years of experience in integrative health. She is also one of New Zealand's two Whole Health Practitioners, connected to a global network. Under Jacqui's leadership, Heart Place Hospital is revolutionising care by nurturing caregivers and communities alike.

The hospital is led by founder and CEO Jacqui O'Connor, a Registered Nurse with 30 years of experience in integrative health.

She is also one of New Zealand's two Whole Health Practitioners, connected to a global network. Under Jacqui's leadership, Heart Place Hospital is revolutionising care by nurturing caregivers and communities alike.