PHANZ invites members, branches, caucuses, and special interest groups to submit proposed policy areas for development.
Submissions must be completed on the Policy Proposal Submission Template. This year, the deadline for submissions will be 15 April 2025.
The PHANZ Team will first undertake a screening process to ensure all PHANZ policies are evidenced-based, help achieve the goals and priorities of the PHANZ, align with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and reduce inequities and improve the hauora of all people in Aotearoa.
The Policy Subcommittee, working with the PHANZ Team, will review eligible policies and will confirm the policy position statements to be developed for the next financial year (July 2025 - June 2026), with the outcome of this process being communicated to the wider PHANZ membership.
PHANZ members will also have an opportunity to provide feedback on draft policy statements as these are developed, to ensure our policy statements reflect the broader views of the PHANZ membership.