Join our Executive Council and help shape the future of public health.
Kia Hiwa Ra, Kia Hiwa Ra!
Public Health Association of New Zealand (PHANZ) members are hereby notified that nominations for the one vacant general seat are now open!
The Executive Council is responsible for determining the national strategy and policy for the Public Health Association, in consultation with its members, and oversees its implementation.
Nominations forms for all eligible members must be received from Branches and Caucuses via email to by 5pm, 04 November.
Voting will run from 07 November to 21 November 2024, with the results communicated at the PHANZ AGM 2023 which will be held in person in Wellington and virtually on Tuesday, 26 November 2024.
Nomination forms can be downloaded from the members site here. You will need to be a member with a current login to access the member’s site. If you are unsure if you are a current member, please email, or click here to join.
Please note: one Māori representation seat will also be confirmed at the AGM according to the Māori Caucus’s own appointment process. If you want to know more about this seat, please contact
Mauri Ora!