What We Do
The Wellington branch brings together likeminded public health professionals to connect, share knowledge and advocate on issues of public health importance.
The Wellington branch meets on the first Wednesday of each month 5:30 - 7:00pm and holds additional events for members and friends throughout the year.
To become a member of the Wellington branch, you must be a PHANZ member.
The Wellington Branch has the following Officer roles available:
Acting Co-Chair: Lisa Te Morenga (Ngāti Whātua, Te Rarawa)
Acting Co-Chair: Calvin Cochrane
Acting Secretary: Jude Ball (mob 021 544 207)
Acting Treasurer: Lucy Telfar-Barnard
Activities and Events
Let’s celebrate the incredible efforts of the past year and ignite our passion for the journey ahead in 2025!
📅 When: Monday, 2 December, 5:30 – 7:00pm
📍 Where: Southern Cross Bar, Abel Smith Street, Wellington
🎤 Guest Speaker: Nicky Hager, who will share a message of hope and a way forward.
📌 Official Task: We’ll briefly appoint Branch Officers for the upcoming year. Nominations are open!
Acting officers seeking ratification/election:- Co-chair (Māori): Lisa Te Morenga
- Co-chair (Tauiwi): Calvin Cochran
- Secretary: Jude Ball
- Treasurer: Lucy Telfar-Barnard
Interested in standing? Email your nomination to wellington@pha.org.nz with your name, a sentence about your experience, and the position you’re interested in.
Elections will be held on the night if needed.✨ Highlights:
- Fun quiz and party games (pin the tail on the politician, anyone?)
- Oodles of prizes 🎁
- Delicious and moderately healthy kai! 🍽️🤝 Bring your public health colleagues and friends for an evening of fun, fellowship, and camaraderie!
Post Budget Breakfast 2023
19 May 2023
The Wellington branch held their annual Post Budget Breakfast alongside the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in May 2023. This event takes place the day following the budget announcement by the government and has been a regular occurrence for over a decade.
The event was held at St Peter’s Church in Wellington; sponsored by CPAG, the PHANZ Wellington branch and the Social Justice Group of St Peter's.
Speakers included: Hon Priyanka Radhakrishnan, Minister for Community and Voluntary Sector, Murray Edridge (Wellington City Missioner), Jonathan Boston (Victoria University), Huhana Lyndon (Ngātiwai Trust Board), Charles Waldegrave (Family Centre), Louise Delany (Tax Justice Aotearoa) & Lisa Te Morenga (Health Coalition Aotearoa).
NZ Association of Economists Conference
29 June - 1 July 2022
Gail presented at NZAE on valuing mortality related consequences of the pandemic against public health measures taken during the pandemic. She also discussed the relative cost of loss of life during the pandemic and the effectiveness of health systems and legislation to reduce the loss of life. An estimation of the percentage of value of lives lost (VSL) to the total wealth of the economy could inform further investment in public health.
UCAN Petition: Remove prescription fees for Community Services Card Holders
11 October 2021
Initiated by Professor Nikki Turner on behalf of United Community Action Network (UCAN), this parliamentary petition aimed to remove prescription fees for Community Service Card holders. It was discussed at the Wellington branch PHA meeting on 11 October 2022 and then disseminated through branch bulletin. It was encouraged that all Wellington based members sign and circulate. More information on the petition can be found at the link below: https://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/article/news/petition-asks-parliament-remove-5-prescription-fee-community-service-card-holders
COVID-18 Community Support
The Wellington Branch has shown continued support for government policies relating to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The branch and its members have also provided support with translation of information for non-English speakers within the Nepalese, Hindi, Punjabi and Chinese communities.
The Wellington branch Chair plays a proactive role in bridging the work and service relationship between the Ministry of Health/Te Whatu Ora and diverse communities
Contact us
If you would like to join the Wellington branch, become a branch officer or want more information on how to get involved, please get in touch!